Saturday, July 31, 2010

Is there racial harmony in Singapore? If yes, do you think it is based on understanding or tolerance.

Singapore is known as a multi racial country. When people talk about Singapore, most of them would know that there are many people of different races in Singapore. The Chinese, Malays, Indians and so on. Well, there have been issues questioning if there is really racial harmony in Singapore.

Well, for some, it would be yes. Some would be no. No because many of them would have a bad impression due to problems that has been created by a certain race. For example, the terrorist attacks that has been happening, plotted by a race has led a bad impression to many other people. This would cause people to sterotype against different religeons and races just because some people of their religon did it.

Some people would however understand that not all of them are the same and forgive them. The pledge of Singapore also helps people to understand that all races and religon should come together as one united people.

Done by CHIA MENG CHAO [ 104606E ]