Monday, June 21, 2010

Flyers- are they the new chewing gum?

Flyers. First thought of it, you would feel that its a junk mail or something that is used as spare paper. Nowadays, at mrt stations, underpasses or almost anywhere crowded you would be able to see people giving out junks of papers which you do not even bother taking unless they shove it infront of your face. Even as they shove it infront of your face, you would just take it as basic courtesy and just throw it at the next rubbish bin you see. Or worst, just throw it on the floor.

When you open your letterboxes, what do you do when u see flyers? Throw them away. From informative pieces of paper to junk mails. If only it can be deleted, then all of us would not be guilty of littering. I think that they should be banned as people takes it for granted and printing flyers would be just wasting papers. killing the trees and so on.

Companies should go to the environmental friendly approach by posting advertisment on their websites, or on their stalls where people would be able to see rather than printing flyers. Flyers may be cheap, but if people just throw it away, it defeats the purposes of printing it. Company should rather invest on advertisment on televisions and Internet.