Saturday, July 31, 2010

World Cup 2010

World cup is one of the most anticipated sports even that take place once every 4 years. This year event was held at South Africa. Even though the matches are broadcasted during midnight in Singapore, many soccer fans are willing to stay up to support their favorite team. Beer is essential for those avid soccer fans while watching soccer match. However, this caused many Singaporeans to be hangover the very next day. Most of them do not have to energy or mind to produce effective and quality work. In addition to their workload, there are also the aspects of travelling safely to and from work which have to be considered. Furthermore, late coming was also an issue. Due to lack of sleep and hangovers, its not surprising for one finding it hard to wake up. In general, hung over staffs are more likely to cause accidents and be generally less productive. Thus, I think World cup does affect work productivity. Done by: Theresa Lee(103573T)

Is there racial harmony in Singapore? If yes, do you think it is based on understanding or tolerance.

Singapore is known as a multi racial country. When people talk about Singapore, most of them would know that there are many people of different races in Singapore. The Chinese, Malays, Indians and so on. Well, there have been issues questioning if there is really racial harmony in Singapore.

Well, for some, it would be yes. Some would be no. No because many of them would have a bad impression due to problems that has been created by a certain race. For example, the terrorist attacks that has been happening, plotted by a race has led a bad impression to many other people. This would cause people to sterotype against different religeons and races just because some people of their religon did it.

Some people would however understand that not all of them are the same and forgive them. The pledge of Singapore also helps people to understand that all races and religon should come together as one united people.

Done by CHIA MENG CHAO [ 104606E ]

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

FLYERS- are they the new chewing gum? Should they be banned? Angeline Lee [102830Y]

Flyers - it serves as a marketing tool which has been employed for many years due to its relative cost of production. However, it gets annoying when we have to unwittingly accept it at our doorstep or as we are being shuffled with it while shopping outside. However, its purpose became meaningless to most people as most of the time wejust simply chuck it away without even giving it a glance. Without a single doubt, we are guilty of it, guilty of adding more wastage to the environment. Eventually, the question is how many of us really read to find out more about content of the flyers? Not many. To us, it is just simply another advertisement or promotion which tries to entice us into purchasing something. Nonetheless, the main reason which lies behind our scanty attention on it is we have yet to feel and see the credibility of what is being claimed in the flyer. Many of us are skeptical as we all know that there are a lot of scam companies which just want to make big bucks from their potential customers and later on unwind their business, leaving the customers in a lurch. This leaves us to be even more cautious towards flyers as we do not want to be victims. Alternative ways of obtaining information is easily accessible. More than three quarters of Singaporeans have computers at home. We can just surf the net to find out the information which we need. As such, I feel that flyers should be banned since it will not serve us any significant purpose anymore with the fact that computers will serving us as our main platform into accessing our required information. Furthermore, people who are really interested into purchasing any form of goods and services would want to personally find out more about it. They would clarify their doubts on the goods or services from the sales executives. That’s why they are being hired for. In order to stop people from giving out flyers, Government can impose the fine policy. They can hire people to patrol around the housing estates and malls and fine people who give out flyers. With all these implementation to remove the flyers, I believe flyers would be out of our sights in no time.

World Cup 2010- Angeline Lee [102830Y]

World Cup 2010 has created a huge wave of viewers all over the world. During this period, which happens once in every four years, people go feverish over the world cup. In Singapore, it has been reported that many world cup fans stayed past 12 midnight just to catch the world cup live.

These fans typically constitute everyone from students to working adults. Regardless of who, they always have to face exhaustion in the following day with lethargy overcoming them as a result of not catching enough sleep.
Students come to school restless, with some even dozing off in class which leads to reprimands from teachers. These leave the students feeling even more remorseful and grumpy when leaving the school. As for adults, the deprivation of sleep which will leads to lower concentration and productivity at work.

The main problem is that the world cup is an event which happens only once in every four years. People feel that if they did not catch it, it is like passing on a once in a life time opportunity.

Besides these, there is also a larger group of gamblers who have place bets on the matches. It is not about watching game which they are concerned with, it is all about whether they have won their bets.

It is hard to eliminate the root of the problem as the problem lies within oneself. They chose to stay out late despite the fact that they are aware of the consequences of not catching enough sleep.

Summing it up, it is a matter of choice and self-discipline which every individual got to decide for themselves if staying up to watch the match is worth the while.

Is privacy sill relevant given today’s hyper connected world of online social networking? Angeline Lee [102830Y]

Online social networking. Whenever you post something online, you carry the intention that you want people to read it. You want people to be engaged with your own inner reflections of your thoughts and feelings. That’s the main purpose of online social networking.

Nonetheless, when you are already prepared to allow your privacy to be exposed, wouldn’t it be contradicting to ask if privacy is still relevant given today’s hyper connected world of online social networking?

Ultimately, the answer lies within one individual. If one chooses to reveal every single detail of their life to an unfamiliar stranger in the online networking world, then they should not blame them if they start stalking on them. It is a choice of one person intention which leads to the choice in making decision.

Besides that, hakings is common these days. Taking precautions is to avoid unknown people intruding into your privacy without your permission. One can do so by installing anti virus system in computers to prevent it.

In conclusion, I find that privacy is still relevant given today’s hyper connected world of online social networking when one is aware of what he is posting.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Qns: Is privacy still relevant given today’s hyper-connected world of online social networking?

Nowadays, most people would not be able to live without the internet. Nowadays, teenagers would be stereotyped that each and every single one of them were to have MSN or Facebook. Its like their passport in the world of online social networking.

Facebook is a common online social network. It is where everyone would post their photos or write their personal stuff. All this can be accessed when they are "friends" with that person and pricacy are not relevant anymore. There are Bloggers, where many find it as their personal diary. They may keep it private to the extend of keeping it private. However, in the world of the internet, there are hackers around where would be able to access to this private information easily. Nothing in the online world can be kept private.

Nowadays, there is a very common online social network called twitter. Many peoplw would go online to tweet about what they are doing and stuff. Maybe find it addictive as they find it a joy to update on their personal life. Famous celebrities can be followed by many people just with a click.

So overall, i feel that privacy is not relevant in today's hyper-connected world of online social networking anymore.

DONE BY: MENG CHAO [ 104606E ]

World cup 2010: How does it affect school/office productivity

World cup is a 31 days event which is held once in every 4 years. As it is held in countries that are quite far away, the time difference would affect most Singaporeans who are working or studying. For example, the world cup this year is being held in South Africa. Matches would be played at timings like 230am in the morning.

For those who are schooling or working, they normally would have to wake up around 6 in the morning and the matches would end around 430am. People who enjoys watching soccer would sacrifice their sleeping time to watch the match and feel tired rest of the days. Some people might even go to bed as early as 8pm so as to be able to wake up at 2 in the morning. This would defitnely affect the productivity in school as they would have to change their daily routine just because of the world cup.

People would not be able to understand and productivity rate would be much lower because they would be tired and may sleep during work or in school. They would not be able to concentrate as much as when they are fully energized. Furthermore, if they are supporting their favourite team, and when theirt favourite team loses, it would make the start of their day really bad and the people who watches the world cup would be disappointed.

Overall, i think that the World cup would affect school/office productivity in one way or another.


Sunday, July 11, 2010


Type. Post. Publish. These three words are always put into action in the world of social networking. The link? Well.. You type how you feel, you post it on your profile and publish to let the whole world know. Honestly, whats' the point of posting your feelings online when there is no sense of privacy. Shouldn't you just keep it in a little box or better yet, just a diary? It's true that there is such a thing called a blog or twitter or even facebook, but what use are they when they just destroy your privacy?

Take for example; blogs. You post non-stop on how you feel but the end result, you will either hurt people's feelings or be caught for typing insensitive comments. Second example; twitter. You tweet non-stop on what you're doing, how you feel about a particular someone, but the end results are the same. One real scenario would be Perez Hilton, the gossip columnist. Just because of his remarks on twitter, there is a possibility that he can go to jail. Lastly, facebook. Everyone among everyone can know what you're up to or how you feel through your statuses. So, where's the privacy in it?

Yes, i am being a hypocrite with my comments because i myself do those things. I'm not proud of it though. But oh well, i can't help it. So if you you want privacy that much, delete all your accounts and head to the nearest bookstore for a diary then.

Farah Diana 103231S

World Cup 2010

From what it seems like just a remark, everything changes when action is taken. I'm sure most of us are all in the World Cup 2010 fever. World Cup 2010 is one of the most prestigious League in the world of soccer. It never fails to keep up the competitive spirit in each individual. Be it the players on pitch, or be it the spectators cheering for their own country team. But being competitive is not such a great thing after all.

Why so? Simple. World Cup can affect an individual mentally. The thought of winning a match is so strong that it can overcome you. This 'feeling'started off through just a remark such as 'Aiyah, i bet Spain will win' with just a friend. However, the 'feeling' will grow on you. From what seems like such a remark, it will turn into 'I bet with you $50 that Spain will win'. The 'feeling' which started off as just a remark, turns into a virus that only you yourself can tame it. This virus is also known as gambling.

As sad as it sounds, it's true that World Cup 2010 do promote gambling. That's my own opinion of course. Many have gone through with it. Some survived but yet, there are others who just got left hanging. Honestly, i don't blame World Cup 2010 because of this. This should be blamed on one's self. People started what they've created. It's a matter of fact whether they want to end the creation of theirs.

Farah Diana 103231S