Effective writing skills - Facebook banned in Pakistan
Facebook is a public webpage where people connect socially. It has grown over the years and people have been using it as a form of communication. Recently, there has been a case at Pakistan where facebook was banned because of religious issues. There was a group created called “ Draw Mohammed Day” The group encourages people to draw or sketch a picture of Prophet Mohammed who is the highest prophet in the religion Islam.
Many people uses facebook for different purposes. Some use it to connect with their friends, while some country like Australia ruled that facebook is a valid protocol to serve court notices to defendants. It is believed to be the world’s first legal judgement that defines a summons posted on facebook as legal binding.
I think that Facebook can be both good and bad in some ways. For example, It is bad because it can be targeted to certain audience and would cause outrage if it is regarding something sensitive like Religious issues. Anyone and everyone can view the facebook page and news can be spread throughout. While it also can be good for people spreading news online or doing a survey. Many people would be able to take note of it within seconds after posting if they are online.
Done by CHIA MENG CHAO [ 104606E ]
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